sábado, 5 de julio de 2014

The blind side reflection movie

Grow up like a poor if you want to be rich

Life is not always the way we wish it to be. Sometimes we complain a lot about how unfortunate we are or how all the bad things happen to us, but we don´t realize how gifted we are for having all the commodities we have to reach our goals. Family, education and money are motivations that help you to get through the bad days and continue fighting to reach your goals.  The movie “The blind side”, is an amazing example of how people that doesn’t have had everything easy in their lives appreciate more and make a more wisely use of what they receive. Even though that Michael didn´t born with all the facilities to success in his life, he made good use and appreciate all the help that Leigh Anne gave to him to success in life.

            He never had it easy in his life, but he had everything to success in it. He couldn’t loose more than he had already lost. He took advantage of everything that he received from Leigh Anne in order to reach goals that he never imagined to reach. Sometime being poor, makes you value more what you have and appreciate what other people that is more gifted doesn´t value as they should.

            Michael fought against all the adversities, he made it through really hard moments, and he learnt to overcome to all of them. It is amazing how he got to a point he never imagined. He overcame all his problems, he knew how to appreciate all the aid he received from other people and he showed how grateful he was with them by succeeding in life.

Impromptu speech

jueves, 3 de julio de 2014

Soul surfer. Movie reflection.

My life compared with Bethany’s

Life is not always as we wish it to be. Life sometimes can bring you unexpected things that may change completely the curse of your life plans. In the movie “Soul surfer”, Bethany’s career plans were tremendously affected by the accident she had; but even though it wasn´t easy to start practicing again and now without an arm, she fought with all her courage to keep doing what she loved the most, to keep in the battle for reaching their goals. She never gave up; she succeeded in everything she proposed herself.  Like Bethany, I believe that my life as a medicine student has not always been the way I expected it to be when I got in medicine school; it has bring me out many disappointments and even sometimes it has made me doubt of my capacity. But how have I managed to beat all these discontents? Well, just like Bethany’s way to fight for what she wanted even though her hard situation; for me, hard work and perseveration have been so far the keys to overcome the daily life disappointments that medicine school life may bring you. 

                  More than one time I have studied like crazy for my exams without obtaining the results I would expect according to how much I studied; making me feel very disappointed and even sad. But just like Bethany when she failed in her first competition after the accident, I have never given up in those situations; I have always tried to persevere and to work harder no matter how difficult it looks to continue.

                  Hard work and perseveration are two key values that you should never leave apart if you want to succeed in this life. It doesn´t matter how hard it seems to be the situation, if you are sure of your goal you should work as hard as you can and there will be no impediment for you to reach everything you propose to do in your life.

In vitro fertilization essay

In vitro fertilization: the last hope for infertile couples

Imagine yourself in this situation: You have been happily married for 5 years and you have tried several times to have children, but somehow your wife doesn´t get pregnant. You have already tried other alternatives for getting her pregnant but they have failed; now, doctors talk to you about one last option that is very effective called In vitro fertilization. However, you have heard it is unethical and against your religion, so you and your wife decide to keep trying in a natural way. She never gets pregnant and you live the rest of your life wondering how would it have been to be a father (Attention grabber). Reproduction is one of the most important things in everyone’s life. In vitro fertilization, usually referred to as IVF, is a common treatment for couples with infertility. For infertile couples that really need it, in vitro fertilization is the best option to finally start the family that they have always wanted (thesis statement).  In my following speech I will convince you that In vitro fertilization is the most successful way to achieve pregnancy for infertile couples that have tried for many years to have babies without achieving it (Additional information).

            In vitro fertilization usually is used only by couples that have trouble getting pregnant without intervention. The procedure involves the female partner taking medication to stimulate her ovaries to produce more eggs than usual. Then, the eggs are harvested surgically once they have matured. The male partner then produces a sperm specimen and the sperms are combined in the lab with the woman's eggs. The embryos are grown in the lab for three to five days and then the most viable embryos (usually one or two) are transferred back to the woman's uterus. Seven to ten days later, she takes a pregnancy test. Depending on the circumstances, the procedure has a roughly 30% success rate each cycle it's tried. But, it can cost more than $10,000 per cycle.

            It might sound too expensive, but for couples with certain types of infertility, in vitro fertilization gives them the benefit of increasing tremendously the chances of getting pregnant. A 30% success rate per cycle doesn´t sound much convincing, but considering their 0% success chances without this procedure, In vitro fertilization has converted into an amazing solution for those couples that have tried to have babies for many years without achieving it. For example, a woman who has blocked fallopian tubes will have a good chance of getting pregnant through In vitro fertilization, but almost no chance without intervention. In vitro fertilization can also be the best choice for men that have a low sperm count or other impediments to fertilize the egg. Using In vitro fertilization and implanting already created embryos eliminates the need for the sperm to navigate the woman’s reproductive tract; increasing this way the chances for the woman to get pregnant.
            In vitro fertilization would also be the treatment of choice any time a couple decides to use donor eggs, such as if the woman is suffering from premature ovarian failure or has other issues with her own supply of eggs. In these cases, the embryos would be created using the woman's partner's sperm with the donor eggs and then transferred into the woman's uterus during the correct point of her menstrual cycle.

            Besides helping couples to get pregnant, who in any other way they could never be able to have children, the in vitro fecundation gives you the opportunity to detect on time genetic abnormalities en the eggs before transferring them into the mother. Some women have a high risk of having a baby affected by serious chromosome defects; but with the new medical technologies, the doctors are now able to test the chromosomes in each embryo before completing the In vitro fecundation in order to make sure that viable embryos are being transferred to the mother.

            There are still taboos to break down about in vitro fertilization. The lack of information in some couples has caused them to refuse to use this amazing procedure to get pregnant. The main ethical dispute of this procedure is that during most of the treatments, there may be extra embryos that will never be transferred back to the mother at any point. The religion and culture have a huge influence on the people who refuse to use this assisted pregnancy method; that’s why it is very important to first consult with a professional in order to receive trustful information before making your decision. However, I believe that the decision has to be made in mutual agreement by the couple according to their own point of views and beliefs.

            In conclusion, in vitro fertilization is a very successful procedure that has brought the opportunity of being parents to many infertile couples from all around the world. The in vitro fertilization process might not be easy, but it is a possible solution for those couples that have failed in their fertility treatments. It is very important to make an informed choice about this procedure and not just refuse to do it without knowing what it is. Don´t get frustrated if you have problems to get pregnant. Infertility must not end up your hopes of having a child, your hopes end up when you say no to in vitro fertilization. (Concluding remark)   

            "In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Costs, Transfer and More - APA." American Pregnancy Association. Web. 29 June 2014. <http://americanpregnancy.org/infertility/ivf.
            Tilton, Nan, Todd Tilton, and Gaylen Moore. “Making miracles: in vitro fertilization”. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 2009. Print.
            Daniels, Kay. "Advantages of In Vitro Fertilization." eHow. Demand Media, 4 Feb. 2009. Web. 29 June 2014. <http://www.ehow.com/about_4760556_advantages-vitro-fertilization.html>.

Persuasive speech. In vitro fertilization: The last hope for infertile couples

Debate on the legalization of marijuana

viernes, 27 de junio de 2014

Paranormal experience story.

Paranormal story

The day that my mom's rosary saved me

I’m going to tell you a story that I don´t quite remember so well, but my mom does, and she always finds an excuse to tell it. When I was just like 4 or 5 years old, my mom wanted to go to San Luis Potosí because it was my grandfathers birthday, but my dad wasn´t able to go with us because he had too much work, so my mom decided to go driving by herself taking my older sister Lupita and me with her.

                  Everything was going well on the trip, it was a common road trip until it started to rain, the road was getting more and more dangerous. When we were about to get to Ciudad Mante, we had an accident; the car flipped over and fell on the mud covering almost half of the car. My mom and my sister didn´t have problems to get out of the car, but I passed out just after the car flipped over and the water and mud were drowning me. My sister was to little for getting into the car and taking me out of it, so my mom was the only option for taking me out of there. My mom was very weak and scare at that moment; she had several injuries all over her body. But suddenly she stood up and somehow recovered their energies, got into the car again and took me out of it. My mom says she don´t know how she was able to do it, she says that a second before that she couldn´t even move from the ground. After taking me out of the car she started to feel something burning really hot around her neck and chest, she took a look at it and there was her rosary being lighted up like if it had lights inside of it. In less than five minutes all her wounds were healed, she just had a very little one on her arm. After that, the ambulance took us to the closest hospital just for a general check; my dad got there as soon as he could and we all went together to my grandfather’s birthday.

                  Nowadays, my mom still keeps that rosary with her. She believes it was a miracle and she is very graceful with god and the Virgin Mary that gave her the opportunity to get me out of the car alive.