viernes, 27 de junio de 2014

Paranormal experience story.

Paranormal story

The day that my mom's rosary saved me

I’m going to tell you a story that I don´t quite remember so well, but my mom does, and she always finds an excuse to tell it. When I was just like 4 or 5 years old, my mom wanted to go to San Luis Potosí because it was my grandfathers birthday, but my dad wasn´t able to go with us because he had too much work, so my mom decided to go driving by herself taking my older sister Lupita and me with her.

                  Everything was going well on the trip, it was a common road trip until it started to rain, the road was getting more and more dangerous. When we were about to get to Ciudad Mante, we had an accident; the car flipped over and fell on the mud covering almost half of the car. My mom and my sister didn´t have problems to get out of the car, but I passed out just after the car flipped over and the water and mud were drowning me. My sister was to little for getting into the car and taking me out of it, so my mom was the only option for taking me out of there. My mom was very weak and scare at that moment; she had several injuries all over her body. But suddenly she stood up and somehow recovered their energies, got into the car again and took me out of it. My mom says she don´t know how she was able to do it, she says that a second before that she couldn´t even move from the ground. After taking me out of the car she started to feel something burning really hot around her neck and chest, she took a look at it and there was her rosary being lighted up like if it had lights inside of it. In less than five minutes all her wounds were healed, she just had a very little one on her arm. After that, the ambulance took us to the closest hospital just for a general check; my dad got there as soon as he could and we all went together to my grandfather’s birthday.

                  Nowadays, my mom still keeps that rosary with her. She believes it was a miracle and she is very graceful with god and the Virgin Mary that gave her the opportunity to get me out of the car alive.  

miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014

Chuck Feeney: The secret billionaire

Chuck Feeney: The secret billionaire

Most of the dictionaries in the world define Philanthropy as “the practice of giving money and time to help make life better for other people”, but no one has ever mentioned that it has to be rewarded or recognized. (Attention grabber) Chuck Feeney has led an extraordinary life. He became one of the wealthiest men on the planet, but throughout his life has chosen to remain outside the glare of the media spotlight. The world should be aware of Chuck Feeney’s way of living and giving. Throughout his life Chuck Feeney showed the twenthieth century philanthropists that is not necessary to be recognized for every donation they make, that the only award you should win by doing humanitarian work is the self-satisfaction of helping people. (Thesis statement) The purpose of my speech is to talk to you a little bit about how this humble man maintained in secret for many years his philanthropic activities and in what way he has helped thousands during his life. (Need to know).
            Firstly (transition)
1.     Subtopic one: Feeney maintained his philanthropic activities anonymous for more than 15 years
a.     Foundation of Atlantic Philanthropies
b.     Anonymous organization
c.     Donations made by Atlantic Philanthropies
d.     Humanitarian activities of Atlantic Philanthropies
Furthermore (transition)
2.     Subtopic two: Inspiration to others
a.     Signatory for Giving Pledge
b.     Warren Buffet and Bill Gates inspiration.
c.     Example to many other billionaires.
Moreover  (transition)
3.     Subtopic three: Reasons for Chuck Feeney donations
a.     His lifestyle
b.     Belief in giving
c.     Life not driven by money
d.     Humble life
In conclusion (transition), there should be more humanitarian people like Chuck Feeney, that give to others without expecting any personal benefit, that see money as a tool to help society and not as a source of unlimited power. To summarize the beliefs and the way of thinking of this generous man, I’m going quote some of his most famous words: “I had one idea that never changed in my mind—that you should use your wealth to help people. I try to live a normal life, the way I grew up. I set out to work hard, not to get rich." (Concluding remark)


"Giving While Living." Atlantic Philanthropies. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 June 2014.

"Chuck Feeney | Biography, Pictures and Facts." Famous Entrepreneurs. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 June 2014.

Chuck Feeney: The secret billionaire

martes, 17 de junio de 2014

The ultimate gift movie essay: The gift of friends

The gift of friends

To have friends is one of the greatest gifts that one could receive. “The ultimate gift” movie showed us that true friends are the ones that star with you even in the worst moments and in the hardest situations. Some people may think that they have plenty of friends, just because their parties are always the most crowded, because they are never alone and because the people like them. However, having true friends is not as easy as it looks and sometimes, like in the movie, you need to get rid of all your money in order to see who are your real friends.

            At the beginning of the movie, Jason looked like a popular guy, like someone who was very loved by his friends and his girlfriend; but when Hamilton took away all the furniture in his apartment, his car and his credit card balance, it all changed. Even though he always used to invite his “friends” over and that probably more than one was in debt with him, at the moment when he needed them the most, they weren´t there for him, they just ignored him leaving him all alone.

            Just at the time when he was feeling more lonely and more needed of a friend, he met Alexa and Emily who also needed a friend. Having them as friends helped him a lot to stop being arrogant. He became a better person, less self-centered and more conscious that there are people with more problems than him. Moreover, he also learned that money doesn´t solve all the problems and instead of that it could bring you a lot of problems. Not having all his money helped him value more the things that really matter in life.

            I think that friendship was the greatest gift from his grandfather because these two new friends he made were the ones that changed him into a better person. Both of them helped him understand life out of his bubble where he had always lived. Money sometimes can confuse you in who your real friends are. The most important thing of a friend is that he likes you for the person you are, not for what you have or the way he could get benefited from the friendship with you. Sometimes we don´t give importance of the huge value of a good friend until we need one.  It’s very important not to confuse a friend with the people that share just the happy moments with you. A true friend cares about you and always wants the best for you.  Once you get a true friend, keep him close and don´t let the money confuse you in knowing who your true friends are.